About Travelquartz

TravelQuartz is another name for travel insights collected along my journey for all readers and fellow travelers. It signify a traveling lifestyle and urges you to live it! The website features the must-visit destinations that are recommendations to your travel.

I am Neha, founder of TravelQuartz. I believe that sharing is caring. The essence of the same inspires me to give back to the community around me. I collect and put together stories and experiences worth sharing through my blogs. By sharing these rich moments I want to make your travel rewarding and meaningful.

TravelQuartz is different from other travel websites. This is the blog site you need after you have booked your tickets or holiday packages. After having booked your flight or train tickets, hotels and checking out the must-do- list – there is still that – something waiting for you to unearth!

The unknown hidden treasures of travel are the gems or experiences I collect while I am traveling. These gems are what I present to you at your doorstep as little souvenirs before you venture out on your travel destination.

Each ‘QUARTZ’ I recommend on my blogs is an experience in itself for travel lovers.

About My Journey

Travel is my passion. My strong affinity to travel took roots in the early stages of life traveling.

My favorite destination is also my home state in India, called as Rajasthan. This state is rampant with colors, music, culture, and architecture. The lure of the rich state takes me back to soak in the beauty every time I get a chance.

My life changing travel happened when I went on my first trekking trip to Himalayan Dayara Bugyal treks. This was camping trip located in the Uttarkashi District of Uttrakhand at an elevation of 10,000-12,500ft. After having driven almost the entire day off the Haridwar-Gangotri road we started trekking.

It was on one such day when we were camping, that I sat on the green freshly grazed mountain grass looking up at the mighty Himalayan ranges it dawned that I could do this more and more. This wanderlust was strong and in that instant, I knew I wanted to starve around the world. After which there was no looking back.

A Traveling Lifestyle

In the last 10 years, I have walked on many beaches, crossed many streets, ate many cuisines between traveling to destinations like New Zealand, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Florence, Switzerland, Dubai, London, Bali, and LA. The list is endless.

Rather than labeling myself as a ‘back-pack traveler’ or a ‘luxury traveler’ I stick to my mood and destination to decide the manner of traveling. From backpacking in Rishikesh or Florence to camping on the hills of Dayara (near Barsu Village) to the luxury resorts on the beaches of Phuket and Switzerland, I love to go with the flow of life. I call it the traveling lifestyle.

I am a planned traveler, yet I jump at the chance of any impromptu trips for the much-awaited adrenalin rush. I divide the year by clubbing months according to seasons and short list my travel destinations – be it an offbeat location or a luxurious foreign trip, I try and mix different travel styles across the year.

Even though there is my favorite destinations tick marked on my bucket list to travel again, I love to explore by traveling each time to a new unseen destination to satiate my craving for the un-trodden path.

I recommend ‘TravelQuartz’ for all of you travelers scattered on the seven continents across the globe.

Let us see who collects the largest number of ‘Quartz’ on this journey called life as our fellow travelers.

Explore our recommended “TravelQuartz” and share your views on how you feel.